Tuesday, February 07, 2006

aahhhh.....about the poetry, that is........

The restroom at my office bears the classic poem of the public toilet. Printed and laminated on a discolored sheet of construction paper reads “If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie.” Next to the poem is the graphic of a not-so-modern robot holding a balloon. I take offense at this cutesie reminder to not piss all over the toilet seat. First of all….I don’t need a reminder. I feel like I’m in the 2nd grade when I have to read that 4 times a day. (6-7 times if I drink a lot.) Secondly….why the robot? Seems like a better spokesperson for responsible restroom behavior would be a nurse or a bluebird or Barney….or even Magic Johnson. I’m just incredibly annoyed with the whole thing. I never thought I’d say it, but I’d rather read fowl cusswords and phone numbers of strangers when I pee in a public place. That’s the way it should be.


Anonymous said...

You are definitly right. Where have the good old days of glory-holified bathroom days gone?

Anonymous said...

well, just get some more birds in your bathroom there and I'm sure one of them will find the inclination to cuss.

hee hee.