Thursday, February 16, 2006

If Luck were a baby, he'd be a bastard.

WooHoo!! I'm the big winner! My car was broken into yesterday....again. When it happened 6 months ago or so, everyone on my street said "That hasn't happened on our street for years." Of course, they also said that several weeks later when the house got broken into. The cops and my landlord both said (in regards to yesterday's incident) "That hasn't happened at these apartments for a couple of years." Fascinating, don't ya think? Has anyone noticed a freakin spotlight shining on me from somewhere? Why am I so damn lucky?

I know what you're wish I'd shut up and drop the defeatist attitude. But this is my blog, so I can vent as much as I care to. That's why I have a blog in the first place, after all. I'm signing off now....I've gotta go get a third job to pay for my new car window.


Anonymous said...

Well if you didn't drive such a pimped out flashy car... Oh wait.... Maybe it's the high tech stereo equipment.... Oh wait.... Yeah, your luck sucks! :) Seriously, let me know if you need anything! I'm so sorry this happened to you yet again!!!

Anonymous said...

okay, I gave you a month without bugging you- but I need a good laugh! It's about time for another blog! :) Love you and miss you bunches!