Thursday, November 16, 2006

It's interesting to me that this picture is posted on a Mullet Enthusiast Website because, really, the mullet is the last thing I notice.


Anonymous said...

I hesitate to ask what you were looking for when you found this picture.

Allison said...

Here's the story...
I saw a (black) man yesterday with the most hideous black-man-mullet I've ever seen in person. You know....the Jeri Curl kind...all greasy. It was ENORMOUS. And hilarious. I was prompted to write a breif blog about it, and I wanted to find a photograph of such a mullet to post with it. I never found one. But I did, as you know, find another one that was even better.

Anonymous said...

Ooooooh my.
I've completely gone and forgotten about that O.J. book now...for some strange reason. *grin*

k said...

Hi Allison! I'm glad you found me too. Otherwise I would've missed out on this very sexy picture. Thanks! Seriously though, where do they even sell underwear like that for obese men?

Anonymous said...

I'm still interested in the fact that there is a website called ""

And no, I'm not googling it. Must. Not. Google.