Sunday, November 20, 2005

So, apparently, the new XBox 360 was released this week. I do know what an XBox is, of course, but the "360" part means absolutely nothing to me. Not that it meant anything to me without the "360", either. Anyway...thousands of teenaged boys and young men all over the country camped out for up to 3 days in front of various locations of Best Buy, Tweeter's, and Target stores just to get their hands of the first shipments of this computer game miracle. For 3 days? Their girlfriends really must have missed them while they were gone. Oh, wait. What was I thinking?

On a sidenote....I must issue a clarification of something I mentioned in my last entry. When I referred to the hair tragedy of 2001, I didn't mean that looking "like a Hispanic" was a bad thing! And, obviously, I'm not so at ease with stereotyping that I would imply that
Black Hair = Hispanic. It was simply the sharing of a memory...and one of the irrational exclaimations I recalled making at the time. Besides, all of my Hispanic pals are freakin gorgeous. If black hair could, in any way, make me look like all of them...I'd dye it back in a second.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice recovery, my hispanic challenged friend.