Monday, June 27, 2005


Sometimes, when viewing current fashion trends, I feel like an overly-strict mother. I'll internally spout various critiques...passionately exclaiming the asininity of certain pieces.

There's something immensely creepy about little girls wearing things that say "Flirt" or "Sexy" or "Boy Toy". Phrases like this give girls the impression that they should somehow strive to be those things just to get boys' attention. It fosters a huge detour from self-respect....and (for boys), one from respect for females. "Sexy" should not be part of any child's vocabulary, anyway. If you aren't old enough to have sex, then you don't need to know what sexy is. And, while maybe less creepy, it annoys the hell outta me when grown women wear this crap. The sight of a 35 year old woman wearing a tee that says "Spicy" or with the word "Juicy" on her ass makes me
want to: a. Trip her ,b. Recommend that she visit a physician ,or, c. Eat fajitas.

My girlfriends and I have discussed the troubling changes in little girls' clothing. When we were in elementary and middle school, we still dressed like....little girls.....which we were, technically. We didn't wear jeans that rode so low that our cracks showed, push up bras with low cut tanks, or ruffly skirts that were too short to sit down in. It wasn't because myself and all of my current friends weren't trendy at the time; it was because those things didn't exist as options for our wardrobes. Stores didn't encourage us to dress like women back then. We couldn't have purchased those things even if we wanted to. We all thought it was cool to wear oversized tees with Disney characters on them, palazzo pants, embroidered vests (oh.....the horror!!), and plaid polos. When did our society decide to exploit the innocence of young girls?

I think I'll take my favorite pair of sweat pants to an airbrush shop, and have "Cynical Bitch" sprayed on the ass. Wouldn't that be like SO totally sexy?


Elise said...

OMG, totally. And, cuz this post wuz killa cool, u&me will be BFF from now until 4eva!

Anonymous said...

Al- I absolutely love reading your blog. No one else can make me laugh quite like you can. And yes, 'cynical bitch' would be quite sexy!