Wednesday, January 19, 2005


Well, here it is. I have a blog. To be quite honest, I didn't realize this is something that adults actually participate in. Several friends of mine (and regular partakers of the blog) have informed me that this is, indeed, a mature, and even enlightening, activity. So, I thought "what the hey?". I like to share my thoughts, like to hear the thoughts of others......and we all need a back-up project when things get slow at work.

I'm telling myself, perhaps irrationally, that people will actually want to subscribe consistently to my blog site. I have an image in my head of my friends chuckling to themselves as they read my witty antecdotes, pausing thoughtfully to ponder my philosophical observations of the world, and posting interesting responses and questions. We'll all be better people because of egalitarian community of givers and takers. A small segment of my private utopia. Thomas More would be drying his eyes.

I know I am.

1 comment:

Elise said...

Alright! It's about time, I'd say. I am VERY proud of you for making your own page, and I will certainly subscribe to it. I will also link to you so that maybe everyone who reads me will give you a looksee. What a word, looksee :) Yea for your blog!!